he article deals with the translation difficulties of non equivalent words (R.Kipling ‘s novel “Kim”).
We have analysed “clear” realia words of translation study, that is toponyms, antroponyms, archaisms,
phraseological units etc. We have investigated different definitions of ‘realia’ term, ways of translation. The
most frequently used translation ways are transcription or transliteration, creation of a new (or a complex)
word on the basis of existing language elements, assimilative translation, hyponomic translation.
A choice of a translation way depends on the tasks in front of a translator: to keep a colorfulness of a
language unit but with a damage to its semantics, or to give its meaning but with a loss of its colorfulness.
It’s also important to take the readers into account. The main task is to keep the impression that was made
on the reader of the original text.