Вестник КГПИ: Recent submissions

  • Toguspay, A.M. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    This article is dedicated to the study of Major American English Dialects. The historical background, lexical, phonological, and grammatical differences of American Dialects are briefly given.
  • Suyundikova, Zh.T.; Pushkova, O. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    omparative characteristics of the morphofunctional state of students in Universities. This article is devoted to comparing the results of a practical study conducted on the basis of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University ...
  • Smagliy, T.I.; Smagliy, T.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article is devoted to the urgent issue of development of cognitive activity of students within the credit system. It describes such integral parts of educational environment leading to the effective formation of students' ...
  • Neycheva, М. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    he purpose of this study is to shed light on the link between human capital and vertical mismatch in the 11 new EU member states from Eastern Europe. Human capital is measured by the percentage of the active population ...
  • Katzner, T.E.; Bragin, E.A.; Bragin, A.E.; McGrady, M.; Miller, T.A.; Bildstein, K.L. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    Geolocator, ringing and observational data together demonstrate that Red-footed Falcons from northern Kazakhstan have a clockwise loop migration that begins with a long and unusual westward trek around eastern Europe’s ...
  • Yersultanova, Z.S.; Aitbenova, A.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article is considered to be based on the database access library with access to Access. The information program is a practical part of the data base and is a useful tool for the user. The base data is stored and updated ...
  • Brimzhanova, K.S.; Ivanova, Е.N.; Amirkhamzina, Zh.А. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    This article reveals the essence of the concept of "socio-cultural competence 'as one of the components of communicative competence, as a body of knowledge about the target language country, national and cultural features ...
  • Айдосова, Г.Т. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    Статья посвящена вопросам сотрудничества и взаимодействия педагога-музыканта с семьей учащегося детской музыкальной школы. В предлагаемой работе излагается богатый опыт известных педагогов-музыкантов, ведущих детских ...
  • Шунаева, С.М.; Шатырбаева, Ж.М. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    В данной статье рассматриваются основные аспекты и проблемы административной ответственности в здравоохранении Республики Казахстан на современном этапе. Конституционное право на охрану здоровья определяет смысл и содержание ...
  • Шевченко, Л.Я.; Назарова, С.В. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    Глобализация представляет собой реальное развитие цивилизации. По мнению авторов, представляющее собой создание единой и взаимосвязан-ной системы в области экономики, политики, культуры, массовых коммуникаций, – это процесс ...
  • Ismagulova, G.B. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article deals with the conceptual metaphor presented by J. Lakoff and M. Johnson as an interactive model based on the invariance principle. This idea was further developed by such scientists as Gerard Steen and Raymond ...
  • Зайберт, В.Ф. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    В статье рассматривается исторический процесс появления одомашнивания лошади на территории Казахстана, в границах изучения Бо-тайской культуры. Ботайская культура является границей между двумя периодами неолитом и эпохой ...
  • Esirkepova, K. K.; Kanapina, S.G.; Bekbossynova, А.Kh. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    A symbol is a phenomenon characterzed for any culture. The symbol can have different meanings and codes in the context of different cultures. The article reveals the symbolic meaning of animals and numerals in the national ...
  • Духин, Я.К. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    В современном герценоведении казахстанская тематика практически не просматривается. На основе обнаруженных источников автором настоящей статьи анализируются публикуемые в «Колоколе» А. Герцена материалы о Казахстане и ...
  • Baizhanova, S.A.; Balgabayeva, G.Z.; Lee, E.D. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    Motivation as the driving force of human behavior takes the leading place in the structure of personality. Motivation to research activities of future teachers - is a stimulation to creative activity, the process of awakening ...
  • Abilmalikov, K.K.; Valiakhmetova, G.N. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article discusses the activities of the French company «Total» in the Republic of Turkmenistan, which is in a position of isolation in the export of its natural resources to the world energy market. Today, Turkmenistan's ...
  • Ерманова, С.Б.; Сұлтанғалиева, К.М. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2016)
    Бұл мақалада «Қорқыт ата» кітабына енгізілген жырдың идеялық мазмұндық ерекшелігі мен тəрбиелік мəні жөнінде айтылды. Əрбір жырдың мазмұны мақал-мəтелдермен түйінделді.
  • Akhmetchina, G.G.; Kudritskaya, M.I.; Saden, N.Zh. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2016)
    The article determines the features of the Kazakh literary satirical texts on the example of the short stories by Gumar Akhmetchin with the further intention to translate a story by Gumar Akhmetchin «Needle with a broken ...
  • Ақанов, Ш.К.; Асан, А.О. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2016)
    Мақалада қазақтың ұлттық ойындары, оның ішінде ат үстінде ойналатын ойындар туралы баяндалады. Қазақ халқының қанына сіңген, жанына жақын жылқы жануары жөнінде сөз болады. Ат спортының Қазақстанда дамуы, Қостанай облысындағы ...
  • Сапанова, З.Қ. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2016)
    Мақалада проблемалық оқыту технологиясын сабақта тиімді пайдалану жолдары қарастырылған. Бұл технология білім мазмұнын, білімді игеру қарқынын, өз еркімен жұмыс істей алу мүмкіндігін, оқудың əдістері мен тəсілдері бойынша ...

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