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  • Абилькадиров, Н.М.; Ибраева, Р.Ж.; Бекмухамбетова, Л.С. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2021)
    Əр ойыншы доп алғанда тез ғана ойланып ол допты ары қарай беруді жəне келесі допты қабылдауға дайын болуы керек. Бұндай жаттығулар жылдам ойын жасау үшін қажет. Футбол ойыны арқылы спорттың басқа түрлерінің өкілдеріне жалпы ...
  • Күзембайұлы, А. (Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2017)
    Мақала институтымызда өткен Қазақстан тәуелсіздігінің 25 жылдығына арналған ғылыми-теориялық конференциясында жасалған баяндаманың қысқартылған нұсқасы. Автор аталмыш проблемаға академиялық сипат беріп, оның жаңа концепциясын ...
  • Ерсултанова, З.С.; Сатмаганбетова, Ж.З.; Жиенбаева, А.А. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2020)
    Мақалада «торлы модельдеу», «торлы модель», «модификаторлар» ұғымдарының мағыналары ашылады. Editable Mesh, Editable Poly типті нысандарды модельдеу ерекшеліктері қарастырылады, сондай-ақ 3D нысандарды масштабтау құралдарын ...
  • Fazylova, A.A.; Utemisova, A.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2019)
    The article is devoted to the formation of mathematical competence of a student-specialist, which means a complex phenomenon, expressed in the ability of the graduate to the adequate application of mathematical methods in ...
  • Shumeiko, T.S. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article deals with the content and results of advanced training on the base of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations And World Languages. University teachers from all Kazakhstan had opportunity to ...
  • Dimova, E.; Aydnalieva, N.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2020)
    The late twentieth and early twenty-first century was marked by appearance and development of a new type of economics, founded on the knowledge. These processes are involved in the system of management on different levels. ...
  • Zhusupova, D.J. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    In this article, the concepts of "innovation" and "innovative technologies" in the art classes in the junior classes of the comprehensive school are considered. The ways of applying innovations in education are considered.
  • Sizonenko, А.М. (Publisher of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2011)
  • Levnawi, Ayed Yousof (2016-04)
    Since the establishment of the state of Israel and over the years The Arab minority struggles to cancel governance inequality, and to improve their socioeco-nomic status, by attempts to achieve their rights , according to ...
  • Abilmalikov, K.K.; Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova, Sh K. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2020)
    The article discusses the archaeological finds discovered during the Botay Archaeological expedition in 2020. The main goal of the Botay Archaeological expedition was to find a burial ground where the ancient inhabitants ...
  • Бекбосынова, А.Х.; Жумабаева, А.А. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2023)
    Мaқaлaдa ХVІІІ ғaсырдың көрнекті қоғaм қaйрaткері, жырaуы, бaтыры Aқтaмберді Сaрыұлының толғaулaрынa лингвистикaлық тaлдaу жүргізілді. Aқтaмберді шығaрмaлaры тіліндегі көріктеу құрaлдaрының бірі-теңеудің қолдaнылу ерекшелігі ...
  • Abilmalikov, K.K.; Serzhan, Sh.; Kurmaniyazov, Y.S. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2024)
    Botay-Tersek historical and cultural community covered the territory of Northern Kazakhstan in the IV millennium BC, characterized by the first facts of horse domestication. Scientific discussion between Kostanay archeologists ...
  • Baymukhamedov, М.F.; Yesslyamov ., S.G; Dr. Mustafa, Kemal Akgul (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    here are technologies that allow combining several neural modules into a single neural network. The cascading procedure is designed to interface neural networks on data flow and error back propagation. This allows the use ...
  • Амирова, Е.Л. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2015-07)
    The article presents the definitions of notions “discourse”, “political discourse”, “euphemisms”. The peculiarities of political discourse and euphemisation are explored. Various approaches to classify the political ...
  • Kasyanova, D.V.; Kudritskaya, M.I. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2017)
    In this article, the concepts of classroom management and motivation of learning activity, as well as their interrelation and role in the educational process are considered. In the center of attention is the classification ...
  • Даулетбаева, Г.Б.; Ерсултанова, З.С. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2019)
    Қазіргі кезде ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялардың үнемі дамуда. Ағылшын тілін білу ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялар саласында жаңа технологияларды игеруге мүмкіндік береді. Осыған байланысты соңғы жылдары ...
  • Suyundikova, Zh.T.; Pushkova, O. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    omparative characteristics of the morphofunctional state of students in Universities. This article is devoted to comparing the results of a practical study conducted on the basis of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University ...
  • Ismagulova, G.B. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article deals with the conceptual metaphor presented by J. Lakoff and M. Johnson as an interactive model based on the invariance principle. This idea was further developed by such scientists as Gerard Steen and Raymond ...
  • Matershova, A.I.; Pugacheva, A.V. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    This article describes the features of thelanguage teaching contemporary methods. The goal of this article is to analyze theoretical aspects of the contemporary methods and to identify the features of practical implementation, ...

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