This article is about methods of improving the creative literacy of schoolchildren. The article offers a number of methods to suit the interests of today's youth and adolescents. The article contains the use of social media in developing the creative literacy of schoolchildren.
Moreover, the main attention was paid to the clubs of comprehensive development of students. Methods were studied on students of the “Bilim-Innovation” lyceum. We opened club “Uniqueens” with various departments: cooking, education, charity, debate, ukulele, and handicraft, which are functioning till now. We put students as the heads of departments of the club, to make them more social and to embody their ideas. We paid attention to develop student’s creativeness, and made several activities.
And during the survey, which is taken as the result of 5 months functioning,
to know the impact of clubs on students, it was observed that it had a positive effect on students.