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Browsing by Subject "language skills"

Browsing by Subject "language skills"

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  • Paul, L.Y.; Razuvayeva, M.V.; Tauakelov, C.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    In this article are given definitions to such concepts as “the multilingual student” and “creative tasks” and alsois consideredthe classification of creative tasks for students of multilingual groups. Further according to ...
  • Kifik, N.Yu.; Ogienko, N.A.; Malshakova, V.V.; Shkvarenko, N.S. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018)
    The article deals with the implementation of the trilingual education program by organizing a summer language camp. The characteristics of the organization of the given camp, features of its functioning are given. It is ...
  • Ivanova, Y.S.; Burmagina, L.A.; Rakhmetova, A.A. (publisher of Kostanay state pedagogical university, 2020)
    This article is devoted to the important characteristics of the linguo-cultural components of the foreign language. The linguо-cultural knowledge can be got by students through original texts that contain plenty of ...
  • Tastanov, M.G.; Kurmangaliyeva, А.А. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baityrsynuly, 2024)
    The article discusses the importance of using the Quadrant Model to integrate linguistic and content skills in physics lessons. The Quadrant Model helps structure educational tasks, developing both Basic Interpersonal ...
  • Есенова, Карлыгаш Аманжоловна; Айгужина, Жанар Советбековна (2019-02-15)
    Сабақта қойылған мақсатқа жету үшін мұғалім келесі міндеттерді шешу қажет: түсіністікпен тыңдауға, сөйлеуге, оқуға жəне жазуға үйрету; тіл бірліктеріне лингвистикалық қарым-қатынасты қалыптастыру. To achieve this goal ...

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