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  • Awada, Saleh (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2016)
    In the past 50 years participation in the education system has increased and the upgrading of the occupational structure as a result of industrialization processes has created, inter alia, a demand for a skilled, sophisticated ...
  • Куанышбаева, М.Т.; Демисенова, Ш.С. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2024-02-23)
    This article addresses the issue of developing tolerance among the youth within the context of contemporary psychological and pedagogical literature. Examining the challenges and opportunities associated with fostering ...
  • Молдабекова, С.К.; Сыздыкова, Б.Р. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2024-02-23)
    В современном мире педагог работает в цифровой образовательной среде, когда цифровые технологии активно внедряются в его профессиональную деятельность. В статье рассматривается концепция цифровой компетентности, европейская ...
  • Айтбенова, А.А. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2018-10)
    Ұсынылып отырған оқу құралы қазіргі кезде web–беттер құруға арналған кең қолданыстағы JavaScript тілін оқып–үйренуге арналған. Оқу құралында JavaScript тілі бойынша теориялық және практикалық сабақтарға арналған материалдар ...
  • Боскин, Т. Б. (2016-02-12)
    This articleexplores experience with a journal writing activity held in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom and focuses on its role indevelopment of student voice. The aim was to explore journal writing as a ...
  • Боскин, Т. Б. (2016-02-12)
    This articleexplores experience with a journal writing activity held in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom and focuses on its role indevelopment of student voice. The aim was to explore journal ...
  • Tyne, Henry; Ospanova, A.S. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2017)
    L'article decrit commune de l'expérience Une Dans l'apprentissage du français à Avec un professeur de l'Université de Perpignan-candidat.
  • Kudritskaya, M.I.; Kabulova, Zh.Sh. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2019)
    This article describes applications as a means of enriching the vocabulary of a foreign language. The analysis revealed a number of applications used to enrich vocabulary, to test knowledge at different stages of a lesson ...
  • Ashimova, G.A. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2024-02-23)
    Аs we know, one of the most effective pedagogical approaches for improving teaching methods and raising the level of students' knowledge, especially in key subjects, is the «Lesson Study» method. Thus, the purpose of this ...
  • Мурзагалиева, А.Е. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2023-02-17)
    Для рационального распределения потенциала педагогов школы в вопросе исследования практики и повышения качества преподавания необходимо организовать деятельность педагогов таким образом, чтобы возможно было создать ...
  • Козганбаева, М.Т. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2023-02-17)
    Мақалада мұғалімдердің зерттеу сабағының тәжірибесі, қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәні мұғалімдерінің бірлесіп сабақ жоспарлау практикасының жағымды жақтары көрсетілген. Мақалада Lesson Study тәсілі арқылы оқушылардың айтылым ...
  • Пращур, М.В. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2023-02-17)
    Учитель XXI века – это активная, творческая, мыслящая личность, чья педагогическая практика строится на основе рефлексии, постоянного совершенствования. LessonStudy как инновационный педагогический подход способствует ...
  • Исмагулова, Г.К.; Мастрюкова, Н.В. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2014-07)
    In this article we focus on everyday idioms, their lexical and grammatical peculiarities and comparative analysis in Russian and English languages. Also in this work we consider idioms in general and their different ...
  • Goloshumova, A.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2020-04-22)
    А fairy tale is an imaginary story that may feature folkloric characters (such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, witches, giants, and talking animals) and magic, often involving a sequence of event s. The concept is also ...
  • Koval, O.V. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 2019)
    The article is devoted to the place of colloquial speech in modern Russian. The purpose of the article is to consider the characteristics of conversational speech. The author of the article studies the concepts of colloquial ...
  • Temirkhanova, D.A. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2020-04-22)
    Playing with words is a part of everyday communication that can be produced by everyone. Such wordplays have different types and functions which could be used almost everywhere. They play the most important role in humour ...
  • Maratova, A.M. (PUBLISHINGS of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, 2020-04-22)
    Today, debates are very popular and play an important role in various spheres of public life. When entering a debate, the speaker must convince the audience of the correctness of his speech by supporting rhetorical criticism. ...
  • Тайжанова, Д.Т.; Тайжанов, М.М. (Publisher of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2024-02-23)
    Авторлық–нәтижелі оқудың әдістемесі, сонымен қатар модульдік–редуктивті оқыту технологиясы ретінде кеңес беру түрінде көрінеді. Мақалада интерактивті тапсырмалар мен тестілерді құрудың әлеуеті жоғары желілік қызметтермен ...

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